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Sunday, May 27, 2012


Vessel is a 2D action and puzzle game featuring the unique ability to simulate characters composed entirely of fluid. Arkwright, inventor of the world famous Fluro (mechanized-fluid automaton) is on a quest to finish his next great invention – The Device – that will alter existence in unimaginable ways. However, Fluros begin to mutate and run amok, and it’s up to Arkwright to understand (and exploit) these strange evolutions. Explore physically modeled worlds, solve puzzles by controlling fluid and machines, and harness the power of the mysterious Fluro creatures that populate the land.

Liquid Gameplay – Vessel is built on an optimized liquid simulation featuring flowing water, scalding lava and steam, reactant chemicals, glowing goo, the mysterious ‘protoplasm’, and more. Each liquid has unique properties and mixes with other liquids for dramatic effects.
Bring Liquid to Life – Interact with ‘Fluro’ creatures that are formed entirely from simulated liquid. Each retains the properties of the liquid they’re made of, giving them the ability to melt, reform, absorb, explode, and more.
Unique Puzzles – Solve puzzles by combining the unique behaviors of each creature with the fluid they’re created from. Every aspect of the world is physically simulated, and all puzzles are based in the liquid simulation. Drop a ‘Drinker’ Fluro and lure him by spraying goo. Create a ‘Dark Fluro’ and chase him with light. Liquid and physics are not an aesthetic in Vessel, but the foundation of gameplay.

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