

Selamat datang di DarkMeUp - saya senang Anda berada di sini, dan berharap Anda sering datang kembali. Silakan Berlama - Lama di sini dan membaca lebih lanjut tentang artikel yang tidak seberapa ini .Ada banyak hal tentang kami, Anda mungkin akan menemukan sesuatu yang menarik

Sekilas Tentang DarkMeUp

Aku bukan siapa-siapa, cuma hanya ingin berexperiment tentang sesuatu web, hosting, desingning, baik HTML, maupun PHP. ^_^...

Sunday, May 27, 2012



Release Note:

Set in a mysterious and abstract sterile environment, Q.U.B.E. (Quick Understanding of Block Extrusion) is a first-person puzzle game that challenges players to navigate each level by manipulating coloured cubes that surround them. There’s little to go on as the game begins – the player is dropped into an all-white room with few instructions, and simply has to figure their way out. The tone of game changes as the player finds small and big alterations to their environment, supported by an original score, inviting each player to let their imagination take over as to where they might be. Through experimentation and discovery, players will progress through an ever-evolving series of cube puzzles that will challenge them with logic, physics, platforming. Q.U.B.E. has a very simplistic graphic style, using primary colors on a white background. This makes it very accessible and easy to play. There is no text, voices or hint system in the game so the player literally starts by having to find things out for themselves. There is a good variety of puzzles within the game, ranging from logical physics based puzzles to 3D Jigsaws and plat-forming. This coupled with interesting changes in the environment and music setting mood and emotion, we feel Q.U.B.E. is very unique. Deliberately not choosing to go with an in-depth storyline, we want to fully bring the player into the experience and let their imagination take over.


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